Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop
  • 49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY, UK

The Gardner Room at The Atlantis Bookshop

Saturday 8th June throughout the day

Later this month we will be exhibiting the paintings and illustrations by Ari Wisner, the author of the Transient Light Tarot and Trinity Tarot.  This Saturday, Ari will be here reading Tarot.  If you would like to come along and receive a reading, please click the time slot below.  If the link doesn’t work, it means that the slot has already been taken.  We’ll endeavour to keep this page updated to avoid disappointment.  Costs are £40 for 30 minutes, £90 for an hour.

11am-12pm slot (1hr) BOOKED

12.15pm-12.45pm slot (30min)

1.30pm-2.30pm slot (1hr)

2.45pm-3.15pm slot (30min)

3.30pm-4.00pm slot (30min)  BOOKED

4.15pm-5.15pm slot (1hr)

5.30pm-6.00pm slot (30 min)