Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop
  • 49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY, UK

Cost £60

To book your place, please click here.

This event is an experience for a small group of only ten people. Our ‘Tea with Traditional Witches’ provides you a safe, special and sacred space to ask questions and receive guidance and mentorship about witchcraft and pagan paths. Whether you are an experienced practitioner (solitary or otherwise) searching for inspiration or are trying to find your first footings into your own pagan spirituality, this afternoon is for you.

“‘Cackling’, to a witch, didn’t just mean nasty laughter. It meant your mind drifting away from its anchor. It meant you losing your grip. It meant loneliness and hard work and responsibility and other people’s problems driving you crazy a little bit at a time, each bit so small that you’d hardly notice it, until you thought that it was normal to stop washing and wear a kettle on your head…

… What stopped this was the habit of visiting. Witches visited other witches all the time, sometimes travelling quite a long way for a cup of tea and a bun.”

(Terry Pratchett)

Many spiritual and occult practitioners are solitary in their work and are happy to be so. Their practices are woven together from a mixture of intuition and creativity, and informed by the internet, books and media.

Yet there are times when connecting with others on similar paths is needed. Maybe you need to ask for advice about a certain working, find inspiration for what your next step should be, a little guidance or mentorship, or even just to talk with like-minded people about ‘things’ that you cannot share with others in your life.

It’s very common to meet people with an interest in paganism, occultism and spirituality and hear “I can’t talk to my friends and family about this stuff, they think I’m nuts!”. Whilst there’s places to meet like-minded people at events – such as moots at pubs, or workshops – they often feel too ‘public’ to talk about our personal spiritual lives and receive real, heart-felt advice and guidance.

Whether you consider yourself a Witch, Magician, or Magus, whatever label you prefer, this tea with Witches provides an opportunity to relax, share tea and talk about your Craft with others.

This is a joint event, being run by Gary Wright and Paul Wood. Both are witches and magical practitioners with a combined experience of over 50 years.

Gary Wright is an occult practitioner and a renowned psychic medium. His mediumship work, including consultations and teaching, has given him a reputation across the UK and internationally. He was initiated into a traditional Scottish line of witchcraft in the 90s, as well as being a High Priest and coven leader in Wicca.

Paul Wood is best known as a magical herbalist and geomancer (a 1,000 year old divination practice), though he considers himself first and foremost a witch. He has taught ‘Magical Herbalism’ for over 15 years in the UK and Europe. Paul is a lifelong student of the Craft and Mysteries, having become involved with Traditional Witchcraft in his home county of Oxfordshire by the time he was 14 years old.

Since then he has been an initiate of ceremonial traditions, a Gardnerian Wiccan High Priest, and a coven leader for the last ten years. In the mundane worlds, Paul has a background in integrative psychotherapy, psychology and clinical hypnosis.”