Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop
  • 49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY, UK


A Talk with Gary Wright

Cost £15

Please click the button below to book your place.

Helen Duncan was a very well known Scottish trance medium. She worked in an extraordinary way to a very high level.  However her life was plagued with controversy and she was the last person in the UK to be tried as a Witch.

This talk by our Medium-in-residence Gary Wright will give you an introduction to Helen’s life story and also look at why she is still causing controversy today.

Gary Wright is an occult practitioner and a renowned psychic medium. His mediumship work, including consultations and teaching, has given him a reputation across the UK and internationally. He holds over 15 years experience working at a professional level, and his clientele is worldwide.

As an occult practitioner his experience is garnered from traditional witchcraft, Wicca and Scottish seership practices.