Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop
  • 49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY, UK

With Gary Wright and Paul Wood

Cost £50

Click here to reserve your place:

On this Friday eve, where moonlight kisses the earth and the air hums with forgotten incantations, we shall dive into the secret realm of curses. Curses, the dark mirror to healing spells, embody the shadowed side of magic. As the old adage in traditional witchcraft goes, “those who can’t curse, can’t cure.” For the magical practitioner, encountering someone who feels blighted by such a spell is not uncommon. But how do you discern the line between ill luck and a true curse?

Tonight, witches Paul and Gary gather to illuminate the enigmatic world of curses. Join them as they explore the nature of curses, methods of protection, and ways to uncover and dispel these potent spells.

What is covered?

Gary and Paul will cover:

  • What curses are.
  • How you can protect against them.
  • Diagnosing whether a curse is affecting a person.
  • Can you discover who cast the curse?
  • How to remove, dispel, break or counter the curse.

Who is this course for?

This evening is aimed at experienced magical practitioners. The discussion will assume that attendants will have experience of magical work (including spell work), and some understanding of systems of divination or psychic work. As an evening short-talk, this mini-workshop will not have too much practical work, though attendants are encouraged to bring a notebook and pen.

Who Are Paul and Gary?

This is a joint event, being run by Gary Wright and Paul Wood. Both are witches and magical practitioners with a combined experience of over 50 years

Gary Wright is an occult practitioner and a renowned psychic medium. His mediumship work, including consultations and teaching, has given him a reputation across the UK and internationally. He was initiated into a traditional Scottish line of witchcraft in the 90s, as well as being a High Priest and coven leader in Wicca.

Paul Wood is best known as a magical herbalist, and geomancer (a 1,000 year old divination practice), though he considers himself first and foremost a witch. He has taught ‘Magical Herbalism’ for over 15 years in the UK and Europe. Paul is a lifelong student of the Craft and Mysteries, having become involved with Traditional Witchcraft in his home county of Oxfordshire by the time he was 14 years old.

Since then he has been an initiate of ceremonial traditions, a Gardnerian Wiccan High Priest, and a coven leader for the last ten years. In the mundane worlds, Paul has a background in integrative psychotherapy, psychology and clinical hypnosis.