Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop
  • 49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY, UK


This session will provide a day of connecting and working with your ancestors for spiritual and magical work. Those who have attended the other two sessions will benefit from being able to enter trance more readily, as well as the skills of communication from the mediumship day.

We will begin the day by looking at devotional practices towards the ancestors (including building an ancestral altar), and creating a herb or incense blend for calling on the spirits in your work. We will cover the different types of the dead and how you can connect to them and work with them.

We will then use a mixture of drumming and guided meditation to enter into the Otherworld and connect to your ancestral line. Building on this we will look at drawing on the strength of your ancestors whilst also facilitating healing of ancestral wounds.

Helpful tips, tricks and techniques are provided to help attendees to integrate practices in their own practices after the course.