Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop
  • 49a Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1LY, UK

A TALK by LYNN PICKNETT and CLIVE PRINCE, authors of The Templar Revelation

(Picture Credit: Carrie Kirkpatrick)

The Gardner Room at The Atlantis Bookshop
Tuesday 26th September, 2.15-5.00pm
Cost £15

To book your place, please click below:

Dan Brown said of his phenomenal bestseller, The Da Vinci Code: ‘I got everything I needed from The Templar Revelation.’

Now, 20 years since the publication of The Da Vinci Code and 25 years since The Templar Revelation was published (with its first chapter entitled ‘The Secret Code of Leonardo da Vinci’!), Lynn and Clive will speak about the secrets of their immensely influential book – plus what Brown got right, what he got wrong and what he thought just too controversial in their book to use… Not to mention the inside story of what he nearly wrote, which would have been based on yet another of their books!

As the people who first discovered the secrets in Leonardo’s artwork, they will also reveal their new findings – some shocking and some plain hilarious. You will never look at his so-called pious paintings the same way again, especially with one particularly jaw-dropping revelation!

So while da Vinci was not the Messiah, he was certainly a very naughty boy….